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People Soft backend

This document refers to the code in Phonebook.Source.PeopleSoft.


The People Soft backend is an api that connect to some People Soft views and provide an read only API for it. Currently it provides all data about the user, the organization structure and the building details.

Connect the Backend to the ADFS or Azure

Build & Run


To build and run the backend you need the dotnet core SDK installed in version 3.1 or higher. The latest version can be found here. You also need VSCode. It’s recommend to install the C# Extension from Microsoft. This helps with IntelliSense and live error checking. The use of IntelliCode is also recommended. This helps to write better code.


In VSCode simply run the task build Source.PeopleSoft. If you want to build this with the command line, you have to navigate to Phonebook.Source.PeopleSoft and run the command dotnet build.


Before you can run the login backend for the first time you have to set some secrets. These secrets describe the connection and the trust between the identity provider and the login server. (See more inside the flow documentation)

secret name description sample
WsFederationConfig:MetadataAddress This is the URL to the WsFederation metadata XML. In this document are all important properties that the identity provider defined In Azure AD it looks like this:{tenant-id}/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml
WsFederationConfig:ApplicationId The ApplicationId, also known as ClientId, in the Identity Provider. This makes the application definition in the Identity Provider unique. 63d78047-cd41-4480-bd61-6ba21522503d
WsFederationConfig:ClaimsIssuer The Issuer that created the claim. For example for Azure it is{tenant-id}/
ConnectionStrings:PeopleSoftDatabase The connection to the people soft db Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(;User Id=databaseuser;Password=databaseuserpassword;

Information: If you aren’t shure what you are doing please read this document first!

You can set secrets in the dictionary Phonebook.Backend\Phonebook.Backend.Login with the following command:

dotnet user-secrets set {name} {value}

After you have defined all secrets you can start the login backend in VSCode with the launch settings Backend.Login .NET Core Launch (web) or with the command line with dotnet run .

Make sure that you are in the right folder for the command line stuff.

Authentication flow

    participant Client Browser
    participant Backend Server
    participant Identity Provider
    Client Browser->>Backend Server: Call the protected endpoint.
    Backend Server->>Identity Provider: Redirect unauthenticated <br/><br/> user to Identity Provider.
    Note right of Identity Provider: The user tried to <br/> sign-in. If single sign <br/> on is possible it will <br/> use it, if not a login <br/> screen will show up.
    Identity Provider->>Backend Server: `HTTP-POST` the authentication <br/> result to `/signin-wsfed`
    Note left of Backend Server: The backend server <br/> now redirects again <br/> to `/Login`. This will <br/> set a cookie, <br/> that tells the <br/> frontend how long it <br/> can use this <br/> authentication.
    Backend Server->>Client Browser: the backend server redirects <br/> to the client
    Client Browser->>Client Browser: The client browser now try to <br/> go back to the start location. <br/> (This isn't implemented. <br/> You always end at `/`)