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:small_red_triangle: General Frontend Guide

:open_file_folder: Project Structure

Here you can find the structure of Phonebook.Frontend.

 * Phonebook.Frontend (Root)
 |-- e2e: End to End Tests
 |-- nginx: Configurations for the Nginx Docker Container
 |-- node_modules: Contains libraries downloaded from npm; is created automatically based on package.json
 |-- src: The complete Angular app
 |   |-- app: The Angular sources
 |   |   |-- pages: Main Views of the Application
 |   |   |-- modules: Modular features which can be used on different pages
 |   |   |-- shared: Contains Code that will be used across the app, as well states
 |   |   |-- services: Directory for all services
 |   |-- assets: Assets of the app
 |   |-- environments: The Environments the app can be build for
 |   |-- styles: Some global Styles for the app, as well as scss partials
 |   |-- fonts: Different font stlyes for the app
 |   |-- i18n: Internationalized messages
 |   |-- migration: Frontend Migration-Scripts

:triangular_ruler: Code scaffolding

To generate a new component run:

ng generate module component-name
ng generate component component-name

This will generate a new module and a new component. Be sure that you’re in the directory where you want to generate

You can also use:

ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module

:floppy_disk: State Management

We are using NGXS for transferring states. To get more information how NGXS works and how we use it check out this link.

Examples about how we use NGXS in the application are in work.

How to use Feature Flags

We are using Feature Flags for faster Development Cycles and easier Code Integration. If you don’t really know what Feature Flags mean take a look at wikipedia.

There are several states:

-1 - Disabled
0 - Disabled by default, but can be enabled by the user
1-99 - A/B Testing (% of the users enabled)
100 - Enabled

Here you can edit the Feature Flags of the Phonebook.

To use them InCode you can either subscribe to the feature-flag.service:

// We are using first() in order to automatically cancel the subscription after receiving the first value.
  .subscribe((isFlagActivated) => {
    if (isFlagActivated) {
      // Code that will be executed if the Feature Flag 'flagname' is enabled.

or use the feature-flag.directive:

<div *featureFlag="'flagname'">
  <!-- This will only be rendered if Feature Flag 'flagname' is enabled. -->


You should unsubscribe from observables if your component gets destroyed. This can be quite some work. In order to make it easier we have used a little helper function:

// OnDestroy has to be implemented.
import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
// Import the Function to unsubscribe if the Component gets destroyed.
import { untilComponentDestroyed } from 'ng2-rx-componentdestroyed';
  selector: 'app-example',
  templateUrl: './example.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./example.component.scss'],
export class SearchComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  public ngOnInit() {
        untilComponentDestroyed(this) // <--- magic is here!
  public ngOnDestroy() {
    // this function has to be in the component, although it can be empty.