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:bar_chart: Theme development

This page refers to poeple who want to develope and design themes.

A good Guide about Material Theming can be found here.

About Typography

Angular Typography

If you need the files you can get them from here.

About Classes

pb-spacer uses all the space given to him. Use it if you want to make room in between to <div>.

pb-cursor activates the mouse cursor.

Media Queries

Media Queries are defined in media-queries.scss as Mixins, they are also defined as classes. You can feel free to use either of them. There is no other framework for managing media queries.

Get the sample themes

The source code for the prebuild themes can be found here. ou can use them to get started with your own themes. For colors, you can take a look at this file

Develop your themes

You can follow the theming guide from angular materials.

You can write your scss by hand or you can produce it via this tool.

Place your theme under the path src/styles/themes/{themename}.scss. Now add your theme to the src/styles/themes/themes.sccs.

Important: You class name in the themes.sccs file must end with _theme.

If you are done with your theme and have to test it set up the project as described in getting started or just contact a contributer of the project. There will be someone who can test it for you.

Now you must insert your new Theme in \src\app\shared\models\enumerables\Theme.ts like the other ones. You also must edit the src/app/pages/settings/settings.component.ts.

There you need to add your theme like the code here:

      case Theme.magenta_light_theme: {
        return this.i18n({
          value: 'Magenta Light Theme',
          description: 'Color Theme Option: Magenta Light',
          id: 'SettingsComponentColorThemeMagentaLight',
          meaning: 'SettingsComponent'

Don’t forget to run npm run extract-i18n for the internationalization. More information about you can find here.

:tada: Finish with Pull Request :tada:

If you finished and everything works you can open a pull request and wait for feedback from the maintainers. To set up a pull request follow the described steps here.