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:currency_exchange: Translation Guide

The App should be available in different languages. This is the reason why we use Internationalization of Angular. Read the Guide to get more Information about it.

For every English sentence or word the translation string is saved under a specific ID. If you call the ID the app will check which language is set and return the right language.

:hammer: How to use

  1. Use the Angular translation directive inside .html Files as described here.
  2. Use the Angular $localize function for translation inside *.ts files like this:

  3. When you are finished working run npm run extract-i18n. This will update the translation files located under src\i18n.
  4. Translate the files.
  5. Test if everything is ok by running npm run start:$lang, for example: npm run start:en or npm run start:de.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Predefined Message-ID’s

Apart from all custom Translations, some strings are reoccurring. Please note them down here, or use them:

For General Messages (with Action) use following IDs:

@@ID value
GeneralErrorMessage Something went wrong. Please try again.
GeneralErrorMessageCopy Couldn’t copy to the clipboard, something went wrong. Try again.
GeneralSuccessMessageCopy Copied to clipboard!
GeneralInfoMessageLoading Loading
GeneralResetButton Reset
GeneralNotYetImplemented Sry, not yet implemented!
GeneralCancelButton Cancel
GeneralShowOnMapButton Show on Google-Maps
GeneralUndoButton Undo
GeneralCloseButton Close
GeneralRetryButton Retry

For Language use:

@@ID value
GeneralLanguageEnglish English
GeneralLanguageGerman German

For Columns use:

@@ID value
ColumnTitlePicture Picture
ColumnTitleId Id
ColumnTitleName Name
ColumnTitleEmail Email
ColumnTitlePhone Phone
ColumnTitleMobile Mobile
ColumnTitleRole Role
ColumnTitleCity City
ColumnTitleOrgUnit Organization Unit
ColumnTitleRoom Room
ColumnTitleBuilding Building
ColumnTitleCostcenter Profitcenter

For Datapoints (Labels) use:

@@ID value
DataPersonFax Fax
DataPersonType Type
DataPersonDirectSupervisor Direct Supervisor
DataPersonTeamAssistant Team Assistants
DataPersonFloor Floor
DataPersonFloorPlural Floors
DataLocationContactPerson Contact Person
DataLocationAddress Address
DataLocationContact Contact